Step 1 - Initial contact or book in for a trial class.
Please try and use the same name, phone and email thoughout the entire process or duplicate student profiles will be created each time.
Parents !! Use your childs name as the student name, there will be areas in the sign up form later to put your name and contact / emergency details etc.
Step 2 - Complete a Waiver before attending a class. (Skip ahead if you have already done this)
Step 3 - Attend your trial class.
Try to arrive 15 minutes early, one of our coaches will meet you at reception, if you arrive late or miss the coach please come through to the main mat area so we can welcome you on the mat.
Keep an open mind and relax, we are here too help.
Step 4 - Choose a Membership.
Most adult beginners start with a 5 week beginners package which includes all the uniforms required.
Most kids start with a term pass (10 classes) OR 1 class per week AND a Gi Uniform.
For siblings hit the button Would you like to ad another ?
Use the same contact details you did for the booking and waiver, name is the students name (not the parents name).
Step 5 - Download the Spark App so you can book your classes.
Please download our Spark App and check out our other youtube videos to help you get started.