Mat Rules for Adults

At our academy, the safety of our students is our top priority.

Our goal is to provide a safe environment where all students can learn and progress without the risk of injury.

To achieve this goal, we ask that all students follow our mat rules and complete a waiver before attending any class.




  • Takedowns are very important, but takedown sparring has a higher risk of injury than sparring on the ground.

  • We should NEVER have 2 x inexperienced people doing open takedown sparring - supervised drilling is ok.

  • If you are a beginner stay on the ground while sparring until you have built your skills up.


  • When applying, do so in a controlled and calm manner giving your training partner plenty of time to tap.

  • When caught, tap hard and fast before there is a chance of injury, prevention is better than cure, leave risky late stage escapes for when you are very experienced and trust your training partner.


  • White Belts: Straight ankle lock only - nothing else, no heels, knees, slicers, reaping etc.

  • White belts are not allowed to roll with anything other than straight ankle locks, even if they want to or agree to.

  • Blue Belts and above: All leg locks with permission (check with your training partner before the roll starts).

  • If there is coloured belt and a while belt sparring: you will follow white belt rules.

  • Note: the rules on the wall about asking for permission only applies to coloured belts.


Our entire mat space is under recorded video surveilance. Any incidents will be investigated using these.


  • Please report any injury that requires medical attention to us so that we can complete an incident report.

  • All incidents will be investigated using the security cameras.


  1. Anyone found to be disregarding the rules will be given a warning and made aware of their mistake /misunderstanding.

  2. If there is another incident they will be banned from rolling for 1 month.

  3. On the 3rd their membership will be canceled and they will not be welcome back.


  • To minimise the chance of skin infections please:

  • Body Odour:

    • Nobody wants to smell your smelly breath we have mints near the mat.

    • Shower before hand if you have come from another workout.

  • Long Hair: Keep it tied up please.

  • Remove jewellery before training.

  • Cold / Flu symptoms - PLEASE STAY HOME.